Board members took their oath of office at the Chamber’s March, 2014 AGM. The event was held at Saltscapes Restaurant in the Truro Power Centre, with the swearing in being done by Chamber solicitor Elisabeth Sieber. Pictured (standing for the oath of office) in the photo above are from left, Kim Langille of Healthy Habit Health Food, Andrew Lake of Will-Kare Paving, David Alan Miller of PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Alex Stevenson of T-D Bank, Matthew Robblee of Caldwell-Roach Insurance, Don Locke of RBC and Jackie Johnston of Truro Mall. Thanks to all who attended and a special thanks to guest speaker Carl Sparkes of Devonian Coast Wineries Ltd. The event was sponsored by our friends and strong community event supporters at RBC Truro. Special thanks to RBC’s Bruce Young as well, for his speaking skills and the generous donation of his time and energy for this important event.